Director Lal, who has plans of directing a Mohanlal film would start working on it only next year. Readers might remember that it had been several years since the actor and the director had worked together. It was for ‘Vietnam Colony’ that they had joined their hands.
Ever since the director duo Siddique and Lal had gone their separate ways, and Siddique continued directing films. Lal had donned the role of a producer for a while, but had later turned to direction as well, delivering box office hits like ’2 Harihar Nagar’ and ‘In Ghost House Inn’.
He had recently directed Mammootty for the film ‘Cobra’ that had enjoyed a reasonable success at the box office. However both ‘Cobra’ and ‘Tournament’, for which Lal had handled the directorial mantle, had also been criticized for their uninteresting content. Lal has also been quite busy as an actor and has several projects lined up for release.
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